Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Squidoo Squidoo Squidoo

I have been writing like a madman on Squidoo trying to get some money lenses going. I now have 15 lenses. Some of them I am more happy about than others. My top lens is still Ireland in Pictures however the visitor stream is dying down now that the initial run from lens of the day has disappeared. I am trying to save the lens rank by keeping it updated regularly. Lens rank equals payout from Squidoo so I would love to keep it high.

My Dwarf Rabbit Care lens is getting a lot of google traffic, which is awesome. It also just had its first sales yesterday so it has started earning me money. We will have to see if it keeps up, but right now I am super happy with the lens.

My newest lens is Hello Kitty iPhone skins I was looking through Amazon and I found these amazing Hello Kitty themes for iPhone, iPad, iPod and for the Kindle. I just had to put together a lens about it. I have no clue whether it will do well or not, but I do know that after writing the lens I really want an iPad so I can put one of the Hello Kitty iPad Cases on it. ;)

I also put together a lens on how to make Woven Paper Heart Baskets this was a pretty cool lens to write as I was doing all the crafting at the same time and I got into the christmas spirit while I was crafting, listening to christmas music and typing up the lens.

Then there is my lens on Blankets and throws. It got it's first comment today and it is very new so it isn't too strange that it is not more visited. I hope I got my keywords right for it and that it will start getting google hits at some point.

My purple star lens "My quest for the perfect Waffle Iron" has gotten a bit of Google traffic, however doesn't seem to be getting any sales. At least not yet. I do get some nice comments from the awesome people at Squidoo so that is something! :)

All in all things are better than I had expected, but I am a very impatient person and it annoys me when some of my lenses are not getting any visitors at all. I will need to tweak it seems! Tomorrow I will throw another update on earnings for all my projects. Hopefully there will be some nice numbers to show overall! :)

Join me in writing for Squidoo.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

I'm writing lenses on Squidoo and would love you to join me

I have been with Squidoo since the end of October and I already have my first payment pending. It is just 1.03$ but it has been sent to my PayPal account. I can't wait for it to show up. :)

I know it is pocket change, but I am unreasonably excited about it!

Now it is all about building backlinks to keep the ball rolling. I joined Best-Reviewer in an attempt to lure trafic from Google. It is a fairly new site, but it has potential. Basically you create top 3, 5 or 10 lists (or any number inbetween) of links and you get paid for any adsense income on your page. I am not sure how much money it will generate in terms of adsense, but I hope it will give me some traffic.

I figure I should give you guys an update on my weekly earning as well:

Surveyhead: 12.10$

Clixsense : 5.46$

Neobux: 0.465$ (I have been slacking with Neobux, but I am determined to get to the first payout treshhold of 2$)

Dungeons and Treasures : 205 183 gold and 0.713$ (I am only playing Dungeons and Treasures for pleasure now, so I do skip days from time to time).

Mysurvey: 160 points (115 points is 1€) I am currently contemplating making a withdrawal.

GlobalTestmarked: 90 points (1000 points is 50$) Almost a tenth of the way.

Most importantly my newest addition and something I thoroughly enjoy:

Squidoo: 1.03$ (pending to get paid to my PayPal account.

So there you have it! :) I might be earning the most currently on Surveys, however in terms of enjoyment Squidoo is definitely miles above everything else.

My newest lens is about Waffle Toasters and my highest earning lens (0.75$) is about different types of Christmas Tree Toppers.

I'm writing lenses on Squidoo and would love you to join me

Monday, 21 November 2011

First 10 lenses! \^.^/

I haven't had that much time to write as I pulled a 50 hour work week, however now it is my weekend and I just put another lens together. This time on Astrid Lindgren. She is my favourite Children's book author and I thought she deserved a tribute. The lens is a biography on Astrid Lindgren, but also a run through of her books. It gets around both Pippi Longstocking, Emil of Lonneberga and many more of Astrid Lindgrens beloved characters.
Check it out here:

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Stubborn Streak

By now I have been clicking almost daily since the 29th of August.

I have been almost religious in my devotion to click at all opportunities. I have researched and joined several programs and I have been trying to spread the word about it in order to gain referrals (although I could probably have been a bit more agressive with the latter).
So far for 2 and a half month worth of clicking this is what I have to show for the time investment:

Surveyhead: 7.85$
Clixsense : 5.219$
Neobux: 0.455$
Dungeons and Treasures: 0.713$ (That is right the 363 982 gold I earned last month, with the help of my mother converted to a whopping 0.692$) Ihave 159k gold for this month so far, but I must admit that I had hoped to have at least 1$ by now.
Mysurvey: 105 points (115 points is 1€)
Global Testmarked: 90 points (1000 points is 50$)

In essence my suspicion has been confirmed. Paid to "something" is pretty much a useless way to earn money. The only way you could potentially earn anything relevant from these schemes is if you magically get people to sign up with you are their referrer. Sounds familiar? That is because it is very close to how pyramid schemes are working. All the sites I have come across have some way of attempting to get money from you. Clixsense has the premium membership upgrade where you earn more per link and get extra money from the Clixgrid, then there is Neobux where you can "rent referrals". Basically you buy referrer status for a number of people who recently signed up without being referred. You then get a percentage of their clicks. Dungeons and Treasures has it in the forms of ranks and star points. If you buy a higher rank your gold is converted at a better rate and if you buy star points you can unlock extra dungeons.
In the end though, the sites are not a charity so they are going to try and make money every which way they can and that means on you as well dear reader.

Now all that being said. I have a stubborn streak and I am going to complete the goal I set out for. I will make 10€ on this one way or another, however I will not recommend going down this route for anyone else unless you actually enjoy the thing you sign up for. (Like having fun with Dungeons and Treasures.)

The paid to take surveys sites are a bit different, they may not pay much, however the ones I have listed above doesn't attempt to get money off you. (be aware as there are some out there that will ask you for a fee to let you take surveys for money. I would stay awat from those.) if you like to express your opinions I recommend doing paid surveys. Who knows, it might even yield a helping hand to the household budget once in a while.

On a side note. Some good have come of this whole project. While scouring the web for ways to make money I found and started making lenses. I haven't earned a single dime yet (only been active for 15 days or so), however I am really enjoying myself and the community is great. Today my Lens was featured as lens of the day. I could barely believe it when I logged in and I am super excited about this! :D

I will keep blogging about my clicking adventure whenever there is something to note, but the majority of my time will be spent Squidoing and I really, really enjoy it :) Until next time!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


I won 20000 from the Treasure hunt in Dungeons and Treasures. Still no conversion though. I am getting impatient! :)

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Tiny update

Just a small post to mention that Dungeons and Treasures has yet to update my earnings for October.

While I wait for that to happen I have started making lenses on Squidoo, both because I really enjoy writing and because it might also be a way to earn a little extra. Although it is not technically a "Paid To" Scheme, I am going count the money should I get anything from the efforts put into Squidoo. :)

You can check out my current two lenses here:

Ireland in Pictures
Books are Awesome

I will be back with an earnings update monday, hopefully by then Dungeons and Treasures will have converted my gold!