Tuesday, 3 January 2012

First earnings update of 2012

 New Years came and went and the world did not end.
I am back with an earnings update and to talk a little about my newest project. But first the numbers for the cold hard cash! :)

Surveyhead: 15.05 $ (I keep checking back on the site as I am quite close to the payout, but I haven't been given a survey for ages, maybe they don't want to pay me. We will see what happens)
Clixsense : 7.37$
Neobux: 0.713$
Dungeons and Treasures : 5.4k gold and 1.132$ + a tiny bit waiting for conversion from December.
Mysurvey: 480 points (115 points is 1€) I am saving up for the 5€ payout this time at 575 points
GlobalTestmarked: 115 points (1000 points is 50$) 10% mark reached. These guys are really slow at sending out surveys though

Recently I haven't received many surveys  at all and when I have, I haven't had much luck qualifying. We will see what happens now that Christmas and New Years is over.

 Squidoo: 4.29$ pending
Squidoo is quite interesting at the moment, because I am slowly building up and deciding upon a niche. (or should I say several niches.)
So far I am looking at Movies of the 90s one of my lenses on that is top 10 Cartoon and Animated movies of the 90s
Another niche is Magic the Gathering. I recently finished a list of all the Angel creature cards in MTG
The one niche I am the most excited about is Scandinavian Design. So Far I have only made one lens in the area, which is about Georg Jensen design, but it is something I am quite passionate about and I am looking into setting up an interlinked blog on the subject.

My first Payday on Squidoo will be the 15th of January and I am quite excited to see what will happen. I didn't have many lenses going in the first month though so probably wont be more than a few pennies, but still! :)

Overall Payout so far: 2 €

Oh yes, I promised to tell you about my newest project as well.  I have started a new blog just for fun. I call it the Pink-A-Rator. Have a look if you like pink stuff I am sure you will enjoy it.

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